Hi Carolyne -
I want to hear today that you're just chillin'. Watch Oprah, Martha Stewart. Do your nails. Read People Magazine. I'm sending you some of my lazy genes that I seem to be the only one in the family to inherit. Which side do you suppose??
Love, Lizann
Of course the answer to her lazy genes question (of which I have detected none in her), but if there are any they were passed down as a very recessive gene from some very distant slacker American pioneer relative. Because for sure it was not from either of our dynamo parents.
So in the spirit of following Lizann's orders and chillin' (or good HP leverage and move on training), I'm posting may quick e-mail back to Lizann, to show you all that I am, more or less, chllin' (though the temperature is rising as the afternoon comes on the laptop on my lap on the lounge chair is adding another 10 degrees):
Does sleeping until 10, lazy read through the paper, 2 games of Chuzzle Deluxe, Mandarin Orange Sherbet with OJ shake on the deck, out of my fuzzy pj’s into my Mother’s Day summer pj’s, lounge chair and laptop on the deck sound like chillin? Oh yah!
Of course I have the energy of a snail and my mouth feels like it has 20 canker sores under my tongue and my stomach muscles hurt every time I cough…but hey, could be worse. I went through the food for chemo cookbook looking for smoothy and other smooth recipes. Some sounded really good, until I looked at the cooking instructions. Not today, though I am going to ask the friend who’s making dinner for us tomorrow to make rice pudding (sounded so good but you have to stir constantly while the rice cooks, yah right).
I do have to rouse myself in 30 minutes to go to the doctor. Maybe I should go without makeup and wear my chemo cap so I look really pathetic…more sympathy? Or more pokes?
I probably will pass on Hannah’s last soccer game tonight at 6:30…or maybe I’ll flag down the guy on the golf cart for a ride out to the field.
Hey maybe this will be a copy/paste for my blog…though I am already thinking about a “I like my steaks rare” theme for the photos of me and my dinner au blood bag last night.
Enough brilliance. Chillin!
And since I'm "leveraging" today, here's the note taped to the inside of my bedroom door, greeting when I woke up at 10:
Good Morning Mommy,
Hugh and I went to school, we'll pray for you there. I love you SO So much. Lots of hugs, Lots of kisses.
God bless your day,
No scripture with the word "chill" or "chillen" so sharing this one with the word "rest" in it:
And God will provide rest for you who are being persecuted
and also for us when the Lord Jesus appears from heaven.
He will come with his mighty angels...
2 Thessalonians 1:7
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